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faithjourneyumc's podcast

Faith Journey UMC's Podcast Page are podcasts by Rev. Daniel Bradley & Brian Doolittle Jr.  

Feb 28, 2020

Brian Doolittle Jr. Is out today recovering from appendicitis. Please pray for him. Joining me in my office and on the podcast is Steve Pierce a member of Faith Journey United Methodist Church. We will be discussing the uniqueness of the church and roast beef dinners!


Feb 27, 2020

This sermon was preached at 7:00 pm on February 26, 2020, and is based on John 1:35-51. "Lent is not about giving up chocolate."  Take a listen! As always comments are welcome. Please E-mail me at 

Feb 23, 2020

This is the full sermon as preached at the 930 services. It is based on Exodus 24:12-18 and Matthew 17:1-9. 


Feb 19, 2020

In this episode, we continue our conversation of healing and wholeness.  We work with the idea of Going the Distance. 

Feb 19, 2020

This sermon was a portion of my sermon preparation for Transfiguration Sunday.  I tailored it to the Conference Staff. I hope you enjoy. It was a blessing to be worshiping with them this morning.